
Still Life

Deep Sea

«Deep sea» is a project about a part of Earth that has not been widely explored and leaves space for the imagination and creation of a world of its own.


«Andromeda» is a book project about digital reality in video games and the thin line between reality and virtuality that I worked on in collaboration with Lydia Perrot.

Novembre Magazine

These pictures were taken during a workshop at ECAL with Novembre Magazine, led by Florence Tétier and Nicolas Coulomb. The project is about young girls growing to become women and has been realised in collaboration with Anastasia Mityukova.


The imaginary magazine „Drehpunkt“ deals with socially controversial topics and tries to win the reader over to a new perspective on these topics. The first issue deals with blood and reports on eating meat, visiting the dentist, menstruation and knives. The magazine was created during a semester project at ÉCAL and is a collaboration with…

Árbenz Arbenz

This book project is about the Guatemalan ex-president Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán, who has been wronged and overthrown by the United Fruit Company, the US government and the CIA in 1954.